There's something special

About the bond within families. Beautifully set Nigerian wedding, watch as the bride says goodbye to her parents. With a beautifully wept face she bravely smiles on. Understand that It's taken a city to build her and now she departs to her new family, new city for her to glow with. Welcomed with open arms & received with joy, the heart of a humble, honest home grown bride is certainly a site for all eyes. I have had the pleasure of watching this young woman grow into this truly amazingly loving and warm young queen that you see today.

Traditional weddings are really a beautiful picture. Full of colour, vibrance and joy. As a photographer I am allowed into the private and public parts of a traditional union. It's even more interesting when combining two different tribes in one event. Below in orange is traditionally Edo & above in champagne is Yoruba. When coming from strong cultural backgrounds some couples can find it hard to represent both sides in one event.

I often say that good people attract good people and it's definitely been said that, "Your Vibe Is Your Tribe" which couldn't be truer than the union of my wonderful couple here. Today they are a year stronger in marriage & I wish them the very best with many more joyous memories.

Humility & Beauty are Korede & Godbest's Love story.

An Edo & Yoruba Love Tale.